Cats make lovable companions, but they do have a reputation for being a bit of a prima donna. Sure, some cats may have an apocalyptic vibe, but that’s just part of their irresistible charm!
Unlike their canine counterparts, cats are independent creatures. But it doesn’t mean that they like being left alone and neglected. As a matter of fact, cats have a lot of love to give, as long as you commit to understanding and building a relationship with them.
Cats are often misunderstood creatures. If you want to care for them, you have to understand their behavior and live by their terms.
Here are some common mistakes you ought to avoid when dealing with cats:
1. Don’t change your cat’s routine
Cats are a stickler to routine. Removing them from their usual environment might make them uneasy. If you absolutely need to shift their well-established routine, be sure to give them time enough to adjust to the changes.
2. Never interrupt a cat’s sleep
Our furry friends are notorious sleepers. They often need fourteen to eighteen hours of sleep daily to keep rested. No matter if on a comfy bed or hidden away in some box, napping kitties are adorable to look at — but don’t ever make the mistake of interrupting their peaceful slumber.
3. Don’t handle your cat against their will
Much like other domestic pets, our finicky felines also enjoy a good petting session — if they feel like it, that is. Before handling your cat, watch out for obvious go signals for social interaction, such as when they start rubbing against you.
Cats have varying tolerance levels when it comes to petting. Stop immediately if they look like they’ve had enough. Also, keep in mind that cats are not fans of rough play, so avoid petting them too hard or wrestling them. It may only trigger their defensive mode leaving you with a few bites and scratches.
4. Don’t ignore a cat’s body language
Similar to canines, felines use their tails to communicate. However, while a dog’s wagging tail often indicates positive emotions, a cats’ thumping or twitching tail may be a sign of displeasure or frustration.
Other signs that you’re stressing your cat include aggressive hissing, dilated pupils, ears pulling back, and a tense body.
5. Avoid too much eye contact
It might be tempting to stare deep into your cat’s squishy face, but be forewarned as prolonged eye contact triggers your cat’s fight instinct, so keep your longing stares to a minimum.

6. Don’t expose your cat to loud noise
Much like your next-door neighbors, cats despite loud music and booming noises. Cats have extremely sensitive hearing, and loud noises can be stressful. Subtle instrumentals might be more to your cat’s liking.
7. Don’t expose cats to strong scents
Cats have an enhanced sense of smell. If you’re a fan of strong, lingering perfumes, know you’re making your cat uncomfortable.
8. Never leave the cat’s litter box dirty
Cats are very particular about the cleanliness of their litter boxes. Aside from the fact that they do not like dirtying their paws, they have a nagging instinct to hide their waste. If you lack knowledge about cat litter maintenance, chances are your cat won’t warm up to their litter space. That could spell trouble for you.
9. Don’t punish your cat
Due to their dominant nature, punishments do not work on cats. Try positive reinforcement instead, such as praises and treats, to correct unwanted behavior.
10. Don’t forget to give them attention!
Sure, our feline kings and queens may be independent creatures, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t need occasional bursts of cuddles. Bonding sessions are essential for cats, so don’t forget to give them warm hugs and kisses when you can — just remember to ask for permission first.
A cat conclusion
Now that you know the things cat owners should NOT do, here are a few tips on how to correctly treat and care for your cat:
- Give them space and wait for them to approach you
- Observe and learn how they communicate
- Accept the simple fact that cat’s rule!
Cats may be complex creatures, but as long as you’re willing to put in the time and work to build a harmonious relationship with them and understand their typical behaviors, they will know to reward you well with a lifetime of loving companionship and loyalty.
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