Did you know that a few drops of yogurt and other sweet hamster treats can be beneficial for them but may also cause side effects if given excessively? If you want to know if sweet hamster treats do more harm than good to your hamster, or your hamster can get diabetes from eating yogurt drops, read on!
What sweet treats should you feed your hamsters?
Some hamster owners feed their pets with yogurt drops and other sweet treats. Although many argue that these could be bad for your hamsters, others refute that these sweet treats could be beneficial to your pets if given in moderation.
Yogurt drops
Of all animals, hamsters are not the picky ones. They would probably eat whatever you put in their mouths! However, is it safe to feed them a few drops of yogurt? The answer is a resounding YES! Yogurt drops are, at a controlled amount, safe for hamsters.
Not only are yogurts yummy, but they are also good for your hamster’s overall health.
However, you have to make sure that your furry friend does not consume too much of it since it can harm their health.
Vitakraft drops with strawberry treats
Hamsters have a sweet tooth, and they would love you even more if you feed them sweet treats. One of the most common sweet treats for hamsters is Vitakraft Hamster Strawberry Drops Treat (amazon). Giving treats to your pets strengthens your bond, and it also makes your pet trust you even more. Vitakraft drops with strawberry are delicious, creamy, and sweet treats. It is made of strawberry with no artificial content, and an excellent source of nutrients such as protein to stimulate their little mind and body.

Benefits of sweet yogurt drops
For your hamsters’ optimum health, giving them a healthy and balanced diet is always a great key. And yes, this balanced-diet includes your hamster’s treats. All-natural yogurt drops and other sweet hamster treats are getting more popular for pet owners nowadays.
If your hamster consumes large amounts of yogurt drops, it could result in diabetes.
Although many argue that sweet treats can cause harm, here are a few of the many benefits of giving sweet treats to your hamster:
1. Stimulates the mind and body
Sweet hamster treats such as yogurt or strawberry drops are a great way to give your hamster a chance to exercise their brain. You can do this by dropping their sweet treats somewhere in their food or water bowls. Hamsters are intelligent animals, and they would quickly follow the scent of sweet treats!
2. Helps digestion
Hamster treats are a great way to help their digestion. Since hamsters eat a lot, as almost all animals do, they need to process their food regularly. The best way to help them digest their food is by giving them yogurt drops or other sweet treats.
3. Weight management
If done in moderation, sweet treats are a great way to maintain a healthy weight in your hamsters. They aid in balancing your pet’s hyperactivity and restful times of the day.
4. Improved immunity
Since yogurt drops or other sweet treats are a great source of proteins, this also helps strengthen their immune system. Protein is an excellent immunity-boosting ingredient. Once you are shopping for hamster treats, look for protein in them and make sure that they are all-natural and harmless.
Can your hamster get diabetes from eating too many sweet treats?
Well, the answer is yes and no. Hamsters can get diabetes from eating too many yogurt drops because yogurt contains quite an amount of sugar. If your hamster consumes this in large amounts, this could result in diabetes. However, if you are responsible enough for controlling your hamsters’ yogurt consumption, your hamsters will most likely stay free from diabetes.
As a pet owner, the entire responsibility and accountability are on you. You should be knowledgeable enough on what and what not to feed your hamster. If you’re unsure if your snack habits for your hamster are doing more harm than good, visit your veterinarian for a consultation.