Do you feed your cat mostly fish products? If you think serving them fish means giving them the best meal of the day, think again—not all fish are created equal. Read on to know which fish should your cat avoid.
The Differences in Fish
Fish is a great source of nutrition for humans and animals, especially cats. But a lot of cat owners wonder if fish is good or bad for their cats. Actually, the answer depends on what fish you feed to your cats. There are fish that may be harmful to your cats because they can destroy certain vitamins. Here are a few reasons why you should be selective with the fish you feed your cats:
1. Fish may be a risk to your cat’s kidney and cause urinary tract infection.
Fish products that are canned are generally unhealthy for consumption for your cats. These are already processed and have high levels of magnesium and phosphorous, which pose risks to your cat’s health, specifically kidney and urinary tract infection. Some cats’ breeds are highly sensitive, and excessive consumption of fish may cause cystitis or severe urinary bladder inflammation.
2. Fish may cause allergies to some cats
Aside from dairy products, fish may also cause allergens to your cats. If consumed excessively, they may experience severe diarrhea or uncontrollable vomiting. These two occurrences may lead to dehydration which can be very dangerous to your cat’s health.
3. Fish may cause hyperthyroidism
Most processed fish products, especially canned ones, are believed to be very high in Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs), which is a primary reason for hyperthyroidism. PBDEs are the main elements found in furniture, garments, concrete, and other home appliances and construction materials. This goes without saying that this element is high in toxins and may have detrimental effects on your cats.
Avoid Giving Your Cat These Fish
With so many fish in the sea, here are the top 3 fish you should not feed to your cats:
1. Salmon
If you are a fan of feeding your cats with salmon, this might change your mind. Most salmon, especially the canned ones, are commercially grown. They are no longer fresh and kept on farms. These fish do not live in their natural habitat and are therefore high in PCBs. They are also exposed to pesticides and other pollutants that are detrimental when consumed. Some factories produce canned fish cat food that is dyed to appear salmon-colored. This, obviously, can be very toxic for your cats.
2. Tuna
Known as the sea’s predators, tuna eat small fish, which means that they may also gather an excessive amount of metals, mercury, and other pesticides that are toxic for your cats when consumed. In fact, the FDA expressed their concerns regarding tuna’s mercury levels, which result in only one serving of tuna in a week in a human’s diet. Same way, if you want to feed tuna to your cats, it is advised to give them once a week and in a moderate amount.
3. Tilefish
The FDA considers tilefish, also known as ocean whitefish, the most toxic fish for cats and humans. In fact, the FDA does not recommend that pregnant women and children consume tilefish. This is also true for cats since tilefish contains high amounts of toxins; eating this fish may result in diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy. It is advised to seek veterinary help whenever your cats experience these symptoms after the consumption of tilefish.
Always Know What You Feed Your Cat
It is always best that you be familiar with what food to feed your cats. Being a responsible cat owner means knowing which food is best for your cats. Do not rely on commercial and processed food for your pets. If in doubt, consult your veterinarian to be guided on what you should avoid to feed your cats.